Supercharge your productivity with three AI tools

Christian Lange
3 min readJan 12, 2023


In the last two months of 2022, AI exploded with a wave of apps that allow us to be more productive and enhance our natural creativity. By automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, and bringing the combined knowledge of the web to bear on every choice you make, utilizing these platforms is like having a superhuman personal assistant with one big difference: these apps are free — and unlike a PA, they don’t need breaks or vacations.

Being an early adopter of AI has a big bonus: speed and information. Being hyperaware and responsive to your market gives you an edge. By comparison those who don’t keep up with technology get left behind –and in this decade that happens with unprecedented speed. I will cover three apps that will supercharge your marketing, communications, project management, and time management.

Chat GPT

Chat GPT was launched on November 30, 2022 and gained one million users within the first week. Consider this app similar to having a super knowledgeable writer on staff. We can ask Chat GPT: “Write advertising copy selling the best reasons to hire an accountant instead of doing your own taxes.” Or: “How do I convince my wife to stop smoking?” The concise, well-informed responses are truly remarkable! However, where this app really shines is as a brainstorming tool. It provides inspiring ideas and suggestions to spark creativity. It is also a great research assistant, gathering and organizing information on a topic in just seconds.


Notion is an organization tool that can be used to help manage projects, improve time management, and support marketing efforts in several ways:

1) Create project boards that contain all the critical tasks, dates, and information on a project including hot links and databases. Easily track and share all information with co-workers. If you allow editing privileges, any changes a colleague makes gets immediately updated to everyone.

2) The calendar feature in Notion allows you to schedule tasks and appointments. The tool also has a built-in timer to track your time spent on different tasks.

3) Notion can help with marketing efforts by allowing you to create a central hub for storing and organizing marketing materials, such as copy, images, and social media posts. It can also be used to track marketing campaigns and their results.


One of my favorite of the AI offerings is Tome because of its simple, clean functionality and the power of its platform. Think of it as Powerpoint on steroids. With a simple prompt describing the subject of the presentation, Tome generates a title page, six main bullet points, and a paragraph with graphics for each of the six points in just seconds. The choices of graphics are surprisingly good. However, if you want to change the image, you can do so using a text prompt to generate a new image using DALL-E natively. Alternatively, you can upload an image of your choice and the text as well can be edited to suit your narrative. While re-writes are the norm, it is none the less a great time saver to start from a rough outline instead of the proverbial blank page.

While I’ve seen apprehension on some people concerning the notion that AI could replace humans, I am having the opposite experience. This technology is increasing my output and income.

Chat GPT, Norton, and Tome are powerful AI tools that can help you increase productivity, better manage projects and work flow, plus create more content and better marketing materials. By leveraging these tools you can supercharge your business and stay on the cutting edge.



Christian Lange

Writer and commercial photographer. Creative Director of Christian Lange Photography, based in Knoxville, Tennessee.